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Feature Enigneering 공부



출처: https://towardsdatascience.com/feature-engineering-deep-dive-into-encoding-and-binning-techniques-5618d55a6b38



Feature Engineering — deep dive into Encoding and Binning techniques

Illustration of feature encoding and feature binning techniques




Dimensionality Reduction(PCA and LDA)

In this Chapter we will discuss about Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms (Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant…


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Reduce the dimension of your feature space

-> Feature Elimination / Feature extraction (PCA)


* PCA : drop the "least important" variables

When should I use PCA?
1. Do you want to reduce the no. of variables, but are not able to identify variables to completely remove from consideration?
2. Do you want to ensure your variables are independent of one another?
3. Are you comfortable making your independent variable less interpretable?


아...어떡하지 수학 나와서 읽기 싫다. 하필 eigenvalues 나오네...잊어먹었는데ㅔ...

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