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10/18,19 공부



When Does Deep Learning Work Better Than SVMs or Random Forests®? - KDnuggets

Some advice on when a deep neural network may or may not outperform Support Vector Machines or Random Forests.


Random Forests vs. SVMs

- 둘 다 non-parametric model, the complexity grows as the number of training samples increases

- random forest는 forest의 tree의 수가 많을 수록 복잡도가 증가

- SVM은 class의 수에 비례하게 복잡도가 증가

- SVM은 적은 outlier와 작은 데이터셋에 대해서 매우 좋다, random forests는 더 많은 데이터가 필요하지만 robust model을 출력 

- Deep learning algorithms : 복잡한 task에 강함


선형판별분석법 LDA 

이차판별분석법 QDA





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Welcome to pytorch_tabnet’s documentation! — pytorch_tabnet documentation

© Copyright 2019, Dreamquark




How to choose a predictive model after k-fold cross-validation?

I am wondering how to choose a predictive model after doing K-fold cross-validation. This may be awkwardly phrased, so let me explain in more detail: whenever I run K-fold cross-validation, I use K




Why add positional embedding instead of concatenate? · Issue #1591 · tensorflow/tensor2tensor

Apart from saving some memory, is there any reason we are adding the positional embeddings instead of concatenating them. It seems more intuitive concatenate useful input features, instead of addin...




Why are embeddings added, not concatenated?

Let's consider the following example from BERT I cannot understand why "the input embeddings are the sum of the token embeddings, the segmentation embeddings, and the position embeddings"...


#Saint https://github.com/arshadshk/SAINT-pytorch/blob/main/saint.py
import torch 
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F 
import numpy as np
import copy

class Feed_Forward_block(nn.Module):
    out =  Relu( M_out*w1 + b1) *w2 + b2
    def __init__(self, dim_ff):
        self.layer1 = nn.Linear(in_features=dim_ff , out_features=dim_ff)
        self.layer2 = nn.Linear(in_features=dim_ff , out_features=dim_ff)

    def forward(self,ffn_in):
        return  self.layer2(   F.relu( self.layer1(ffn_in) )   )

class Encoder_block(nn.Module):
    M = SkipConct(Multihead(LayerNorm(Qin;Kin;Vin)))
    O = SkipConct(FFN(LayerNorm(M)))

    def __init__(self , dim_model, heads_en, total_ex ,total_cat, seq_len):
        self.seq_len = seq_len
        self.embd_ex =   nn.Embedding( total_ex , embedding_dim = dim_model )                   # embedings  q,k,v = E = exercise ID embedding, category embedding, and positionembedding.
        self.embd_cat =  nn.Embedding( total_cat, embedding_dim = dim_model )
        self.embd_pos   = nn.Embedding(  seq_len , embedding_dim = dim_model )                  #positional embedding

        self.multi_en = nn.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim= dim_model, num_heads= heads_en,  )     # multihead attention    ## todo add dropout, LayerNORM
        self.ffn_en = Feed_Forward_block( dim_model )                                            # feedforward block     ## todo dropout, LayerNorm
        self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm( dim_model )
        self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm( dim_model )

    def forward(self, in_ex, in_cat, first_block=True):

        ## todo create a positional encoding ( two options numeric, sine)
        if first_block:
            in_ex = self.embd_ex( in_ex )
            in_cat = self.embd_cat( in_cat )
            #in_pos = self.embd_pos( in_pos )
            #combining the embedings
            out = in_ex + in_cat #+ in_pos                      # (b,n,d)
            out = in_ex
        in_pos = get_pos(self.seq_len)
        in_pos = self.embd_pos( in_pos )
        out = out + in_pos                                      # Applying positional embedding

        out = out.permute(1,0,2)                                # (n,b,d)  # print('pre multi', out.shape )
        #Multihead attention                            
        n,_,_ = out.shape
        out = self.layer_norm1( out )                           # Layer norm
        skip_out = out 
        out, attn_wt = self.multi_en( out , out , out ,
                                attn_mask=get_mask(seq_len=n))  # attention mask upper triangular
        out = out + skip_out                                    # skip connection

        #feed forward
        out = out.permute(1,0,2)                                # (b,n,d)
        out = self.layer_norm2( out )                           # Layer norm 
        skip_out = out
        out = self.ffn_en( out )
        out = out + skip_out                                    # skip connection

        return out

class Decoder_block(nn.Module):
    M1 = SkipConct(Multihead(LayerNorm(Qin;Kin;Vin)))
    M2 = SkipConct(Multihead(LayerNorm(M1;O;O)))
    L = SkipConct(FFN(LayerNorm(M2)))

    def __init__(self,dim_model ,total_in, heads_de,seq_len  ):
        self.seq_len    = seq_len
        self.embd_in    = nn.Embedding(  total_in , embedding_dim = dim_model )                  #interaction embedding
        self.embd_pos   = nn.Embedding(  seq_len , embedding_dim = dim_model )                  #positional embedding
        self.multi_de1  = nn.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim= dim_model, num_heads= heads_de  )  # M1 multihead for interaction embedding as q k v
        self.multi_de2  = nn.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim= dim_model, num_heads= heads_de  )  # M2 multihead for M1 out, encoder out, encoder out as q k v
        self.ffn_en     = Feed_Forward_block( dim_model )                                         # feed forward layer

        self.layer_norm1 = nn.LayerNorm( dim_model )
        self.layer_norm2 = nn.LayerNorm( dim_model )
        self.layer_norm3 = nn.LayerNorm( dim_model )

    def forward(self, in_in, en_out,first_block=True):

         ## todo create a positional encoding ( two options numeric, sine)
        if first_block:
            in_in = self.embd_in( in_in )

            #combining the embedings
            out = in_in #+ in_cat #+ in_pos                         # (b,n,d)
            out = in_in

        in_pos = get_pos(self.seq_len)
        in_pos = self.embd_pos( in_pos )
        out = out + in_pos                                          # Applying positional embedding

        out = out.permute(1,0,2)                                    # (n,b,d)# print('pre multi', out.shape )
        n,_,_ = out.shape

        #Multihead attention M1                                     ## todo verify if E to passed as q,k,v
        out = self.layer_norm1( out )
        skip_out = out
        out, attn_wt = self.multi_de1( out , out , out, 
                                     attn_mask=get_mask(seq_len=n)) # attention mask upper triangular
        out = skip_out + out                                        # skip connection

        #Multihead attention M2                                     ## todo verify if E to passed as q,k,v
        en_out = en_out.permute(1,0,2)                              # (b,n,d)-->(n,b,d)
        en_out = self.layer_norm2( en_out )
        skip_out = out
        out, attn_wt = self.multi_de2( out , en_out , en_out,
                                    attn_mask=get_mask(seq_len=n))  # attention mask upper triangular
        out = out + skip_out

        #feed forward
        out = out.permute(1,0,2)                                    # (b,n,d)
        out = self.layer_norm3( out )                               # Layer norm 
        skip_out = out
        out = self.ffn_en( out )                                    
        out = out + skip_out                                        # skip connection

        return out

def get_clones(module, N):
    return nn.ModuleList([copy.deepcopy(module) for i in range(N)])

def get_mask(seq_len):
    ##todo add this to device
    return torch.from_numpy( np.triu(np.ones((seq_len ,seq_len)), k=1).astype('bool'))

def get_pos(seq_len):
    # use sine positional embeddinds
    return torch.arange( seq_len ).unsqueeze(0) 

class saint(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,dim_model,num_en, num_de ,heads_en, total_ex ,total_cat,total_in,heads_de,seq_len ):
        super().__init__( )

        self.num_en = num_en
        self.num_de = num_de

        self.encoder = get_clones( Encoder_block(dim_model, heads_en , total_ex ,total_cat,seq_len) , num_en)
        self.decoder = get_clones( Decoder_block(dim_model ,total_in, heads_de,seq_len)             , num_de)

        self.out = nn.Linear(in_features= dim_model , out_features=1)
    def forward(self,in_ex, in_cat,  in_in ):
        ## pass through each of the encoder blocks in sequence
        first_block = True
        for x in range(self.num_en):
            if x>=1:
                first_block = False
            in_ex = self.encoder[x]( in_ex, in_cat ,first_block=first_block)
            in_cat = in_ex                                  # passing same output as q,k,v to next encoder block

        ## pass through each decoder blocks in sequence
        first_block = True
        for x in range(self.num_de):
            if x>=1:
                first_block = False
            in_in = self.decoder[x]( in_in , en_out= in_ex, first_block=first_block )

        ## Output layer
        in_in = torch.sigmoid( self.out( in_in ) )
        return in_in

## forward prop on dummy data

seq_len = 100
total_ex = 1200
total_cat = 234
total_in = 2

def random_data(bs, seq_len , total_ex, total_cat, total_in = 2):
    ex = torch.randint( 0 , total_ex ,(bs , seq_len) )
    cat = torch.randint( 0 , total_cat ,(bs , seq_len) )
    de = torch.randint( 0 , total_in ,(bs , seq_len) )
    return ex,cat, de

in_ex, in_cat, in_de = random_data(64, seq_len , total_ex, total_cat, total_in)

model = saint(dim_model=128,

outs = model(in_ex, in_cat, in_de)
